Surprise 50th Birthday Celebration

9th Annual Harvest Dinner a Success!

Surprise 50th Birthday Celebration

9th Annual Harvest Dinner a Success!
Tarrywile Park & Mansion
Newsletter vol.9

What’s New?
November is the time of year that most Americans turn their thoughts inward to the many reasons they have to give thanks. During good times and bad if we look close enough there will always be something or someone to be grateful for. In the words of Henry David Thoreau “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” Let us all strive to make our thanksgiving perpetual.

The lase of our fall weddings were beautiful, set against the bold colors or the changing leaves and autumn sunshine.
Perfect timing prompted the Mother of the Groom Tracy to see our sandwich board advertising Tarrywile Mansion for weddings on her way to work. On impulse she stopped in, toured the venue and relayed the information to her future daughter in law. The rest is history, read the details of Spencer and Laura’s wedding day.
The following Sunday brought the wedding of Nichole & Sean with a wedding ceremony under the golden leaves of the grape arbor.
Lauren & Jason, from Cheshire CT, decided not to leave anything to chance and exchanged vows on our beautiful covered veranda.
We had a bride and groom from Middletown CT scheduled to be married on October 20th, unfortunately Renee and Tim received the news that his brain cancer had progressed too far for him to make their October wedding. We wish them both as well as their family and friends all the best during this heart wrenching time.

The day was not lost for us, however, when Ernie called and booked the Mansion for his wife’s surprise 50th birthday celebration. Ernie & his kids managed to keep it a surprise until Christine walked through the Mansion doors to be greeted by 80 of her closest family and friends.
We are not just about weddings, we are available for all types of events from birthdays to fundraising events, family reunions to employee appreciation days. Give us a call at 203-744-3130, or email; tarrywile.events@snet.net, we’d love to discuss how Tarrywile Mansion would be perfect for your next event.

Calling all walkers, runners and fitness buffs!! We just wrapped our Annual Harvest Dinner and we are on to the next fundraiser.
We will be holding the !st Annual Tarrywile Park & Mansion 5K Candy Cane Run on December 2nd! We are partnering with the cross country teams that use Tarrywile as their home course. So join with the Danbury FLYERS, Danbury High School, and Immaculate High School teams as we raise awareness and funds for Tarrywile. We NEED your help. Perhaps your business would like to be a sponsor to the event or you would like to run and raise funds. Registration and full details can be found at:
If you would like more information about sponsoring this great event, please email us at tarrywile.mansion@snet.net, call us at 203-744-3130 or donate at;
Thank you to all that made the 9th Annual Harvest Dinner a success. From the people who sponsored the event, to the vendors and the individuals who came out for a great night of dinner and dancing. We raised almost $3,000 for Tarrywile. Thank YOU!
Until next time remember; leave no trace, respect wildlife, leash your dog, leave what you find, respect fellow park users, always be prepared, stay cool but most importantly enjoy all Tarrywile has to offer.
Happenings in the Park: Tinkergarten continues to host their preschool program every Thursday in the park, they also held a sunset lantern walk Sunday to acknowledge the end of Daylight Savings Time. Tuesday Wesconn will hold a Team Building Event in the park and a gazebo wedding ceremony is scheduled for Saturday 11/10. The Mansion office will be closed on Monday, November 12 in honor of all our veterans who sacrificed so much to keep our country free. The office will also be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday and will open on Monday 11/26 at 9:00 am. Immaculate will hold it’s annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. We would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Fast Fact: All three bodies of water in Tarrywile Park are man made. In the early days the “Back Pond” was often stocked with trout, Tarrywile Lake was built second for the Parks family’s own personal use. However, he started to lease the lake to the City of Danbury for a cost of $6,000 a year. The city used the lake as a reservoir. Upon the lease of Tarrywile Lake to the city, Mr. Alfred Davis was hired in the early 1920’s to design and engineer Parks Pond for family use. Mr. Davis was Jean Parks Davis father-in-law.

If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the park by way of a community service project, a donated service or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.
Tarrywile Park & Mansion |70 Southern Blvd, Danbury, CT 06810
(203)744-3130 | tarrywile.events@snet.net | tarrywile.com