Gazebo Wedding in May

Memorial Day Weekend Wedding

Gazebo Wedding in May

Memorial Day Weekend Wedding
Tarrywile Park & Mansion
Newsletter vol. 16

What’s New?
In May we honored Mothers for their love and devotion. We honored our soldiers for paying the ultimate price so that we may enjoy the freedom of living in a democratic society. We honored their families whose lives are forever changed by the loss of their loved ones. As June begins we look to honoring Fathers who are tasked with the difficult job of raising their children to be mature productive adults, that will hopefully go on to live a life of integrity, kindness, generosity, and respect. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there doing the best they can in the times we live in.

May was a beautiful month for weddings at Tarrywile Mansion. Our first one was Jennifer & Paul who were married on May 4th, for all you Star Wars fans you will recognize the significance of: May the 4th be with you!
The much anticipated Thursday wedding reception of Kelly and Patrick went off without a hitch with the happy couple surrounded by friends, family & colleagues. A much needed honeymoon was scheduled for a few days later.

Jonathan and Kelly held a Gazebo wedding ceremony on what turned out to be a beautiful May 18th Saturday. The last Saturday in May was reserved for the wedding of Adam and Catherine.
It’s been a pleasure being able to play a small part in making these celebrations all that our clients dreamed they would be. We wish all of our couples many blessings in their marriage and in the many years to come.
Give us a call at 203-744-3130, or email: tarrywile.events@snet.net, we’d love to discuss how Tarrywile Mansion would be perfect for your next event or wedding day.

As warmer weather is now upon us, we hope you are enjoying all that Tarrywile Park offers. May was a busy month. Our Grounds crew of 1 full time and 1 part time employee was busy trying to mow in between all the rain, washed out driveways, flooded basements, and the list went on and on. In the Mansion, the event schedule was busy. From weddings to Sweet 16 parties, we always feel privileged to be part of a family’s special day. Hats off to all the Tarrywile staff for their hard work, they consistently go above and beyond in all that they do.
June may be Dairy month but at Tarrywile it is also volunteer time. We will see Girl Scout groups, the United Way Day of Action, Wooster School and the Clean Start Program, just to name a few this month. They will be working in the Children’s Garden, around the Gardens and out on the trails. We have also had several individual volunteers step up this month already and help on some projects in the Park. Thank you one and all.
We are still working hard to meet the fundraising goal for your Park. Please consider clicking on the donate button below, every dollar counts. We cannot do it without you!
Until next time remember; leave no trace, respect wildlife, leash your dog, leave what you find, respect fellow park users, always be prepared, stay cool but most importantly enjoy all Tarrywile has to offer.

Tarrywile Staff Member Graduates
We would like to congratulate one of our own; Zach Sholtes, who graduated from the University of Bridgeport last month with a Bachelors Degree in Industrial Design. He has joined the team at Product Ventures in Fairfield, CT. As he moves forward with his career we wish him all the best. Zach is one of our most trusted House Supervisors and will sorely be missed. He has generously offered to help out in an emergency. Thank you Zach for your dedication to your job as well as Tarrywile.
Events at the Mansion: The Friends of Tarrywile held a Wine Tasting Fundraiser at the beginning of the month. We heard it was a rousing success, congratulations of a job well done. Friday night, May 17 saw the Sweet 16 x 2 party for two lovely young ladies who happened to be born on the same day. Congratulation to Mom for a job well done. We wish a beautiful future full of great opportunities for Emma & Rebecca. We also had a few annual events to recognize; the Senior Luncheon for Chase Collegiate graduating class of 2019, Newtown High Schools “Day of Immersion” for their Spanish class and our last May event; Community Action Agency’s “Wine Tasting Fundraiser”. Thank you all for choosing Tarrywile as the venue for your events. We truly appreciate all of our clients who continue to support us year after year.
Happenings at the Park: Yoga at the Park continues every Sunday down by the red Barn. Enjoy an hour of relaxation while communing with nature – a great idea for a Fathers Day gift. Jenny is also holding her Summer Solstice celebration on Thursday, June 20 from 7 – 8 pm at the Red Barn. The Candlewood Amateur Radio Association’s annual Field day is scheduled for the weekend of June 22nd, for more information visit: CARA 2019 Field Day.
Fast Facts: Tarrywile is home to 7 different kinds of frogs; frogs don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin.

If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the park by way of a community service project, a donated service, or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.
Tarrywile Park & Mansion | 70 Southern Blvd. Danbury, CT 06810
phone: 203-744-3130 | email: tarrywile.events@snet.net | website: tarrywile.com