A Beautiful Day for an August Wedding

September Weddings Begin

A Beautiful Day for an August Wedding

September Weddings Begin
Tarrywile Park & Manison
Newsletter vol. 7

What’s New?
As August winds down and September begins we find ourselves looking forward to cooler temperatures and fall colors. The start of the new school year brings joy to some parents and sadness to others. Some find the coming of fall to be the signal of shorter days and barren landscapes while others look forward to fall festivals and crisp walks in the park. If you are interested in fall festivals keep an eye out for our new October fundraiser, details will be posted on our website and social media.

The weather was not kind to our brides and grooms at the beginning of August. Rain, heat and high humidity were constant companions for two of our tent weddings; Sonya & Jeff and Chris & Ryann. In fact it was so hot on the day of the Toll Brothers Employee picnic that they had to move the bar outside to the conservatory lawn to lure their employees out of the air conditioned Mansion.
This past month we saw the engagement celebration for Linda & Stephen’s daughter, the annual Hord Foundation Scholarship dinner, and a Sweet 16 celebration.
Katie & Matt took advantage of our two mansion rental package which combined Friday rental, used for decorating the mansion and the wedding rehearsal, and Saturday for their wedding ceremony and reception at one low price.
Kourtney & Sterling lucked out a beautiful day for their wedding. The weather was sunny, in the low 80’s with no humidity. Quite a few of their guests could be found enjoying the lovely weather outside on our beautiful veranda.
Please consider Tarrywile Mansion for your next event. For more information on renting the Mansion visit us at; Mansion Rentals

Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky. – Sonia Gandhi
Last month I talked a little about the challenges of fundraising. Ten years ago, we were fully funded and this Park was offered free of charge to all the residents of the greater Danbury area. To still be able to offer tht and to also maintain and run this beautiful property, this coming fiscal year we must fundraise $34,000 to do that. The largest amount we have ever had to fundraise. Today found me working on 4 different that will happen before the end of December.
Saturday, October 13th will see us hold the 1st Annual Pumpking Carving at Tarrywile event; details will be available in the coming days. November 2nd will be our 9th Annual Harvest Dinner Fundraiser. An incredible night of dinner and dancing. I hope you decide to join us. Two December events are in the works; a 5K run and a family friendly event that we are still finalizing details for.
We will not be able to meet these fundraising goals without you. From volunteering at events, donating baskets to silent auctions, to buying a ticket, we need your help to make it happen. I truly feel that the next few years will be critical to Tarrywile and we will need your your support. Too busy of a schedule to attend? Please consider clicking on the donate button below.
Until next time remember; leave no trace, respect wildlife, leash your dog, leave what you find, respect fellow park users, always be prepared, stay cool but most importantly enjoy all Tarrywile has to offer.
Happenings in the Park; Grassroots Tennis held their annual 5k on August 11, there were a couple of small wedding ceremonies held at the Gazebo, the YMCA held their summer yoga session every Friday until 8/31, Tinkergarten hosted their preschool programs every Thursday in the park, more “happenings” are scheduled for September; WCHN is sponsoring a Lymes Disease Awareness walk on 9/15, Steve Brill will be holsting his foraging hike on 9/8 and Immaculate and Danbury High School will hold their cross country track meets towards the end of the month. Tarrywile Park & Mansion is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and is a valued public resource.
YogaCulture has ended it’s Yoga in the Park summer 2018 session. We hope they had another successful summer, not only in attendance but in exposure and acquiring new clientele. Jenny Schuck graciously donates all the proceeds from her summer series to Tarrywile Park, we will keep you posted on the amount of her annual donation comes to.
Fast Face: Tarrywile is home to 761 types of plants, trees, mushrooms, mosses & lichen.

If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the park by way of a community service project, a donated service or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.
Tarrywile Park & Mansion |70 Southern Blvd, Danbury, CT 06810
(203)744-3130 | tarrywile.events@snet.net | tarrywile.com