#TBT: Lisa & Dan 2012 Wedding

Winter Hiking Tips

#TBT: Lisa & Dan 2012 Wedding

Winter Hiking Tips
Tarrywile Park & Mansion
Newsletter vol. 1

What’s New?
We are excited to share with our new monthly newsletter. It is our intent to provide you with fun/fast facts, helpful hinds, information regarding the Park & Mansion and hopefully many wedding and celebration announcements.
In this issue we will talk a little about how the Park & Mansion are funded and how you, as Park users and citizens of the greater Danbury area can help us.

Part of our income is driven from Mansion rentals therefore it is important that we keep Tarrywile Mansion and the surrounding grounds up to date and well maintained.
You can host everything from corporate events, and birthday parties, to bridal showers and weddings and much more.
Please consider Tarrywile Mansion for your next event. For more information on renting the Mansion visit us at: Mansion Rentals.

Tarrywile Park is the second largest municipally owned park in the state of CT at 722 acres. It is free of charge and is open 7 days a week to all residents of the greater Danbury area.
In addition, we have a number of organizations that use the park on a regular basis free of charge such as cross country teams, non profit events, preschool/homeschool programs as well as impromptu wedding ceremonies and family/wedding photographers.
Fast Facts: at Tarrywile all of the buildings; 18 to be exact, and land; 722 acres, are owned by the City of Danbury. In the currently fiscal year the City provides 53% of the operating budget income necessary to run the park. The remaining 47% is obtained through Mansion rentals, rental property income, private donations, and fundraising. The 2018-2019 fiscal year is on track to receive even less funding by the City of Danbury. We need your help and support, please donate today!
If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the Park by way of a community service project, a donated service, or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.

Tarrywile Park & Mansion |70 Southern Blvd., Danbury, CT 06810
(203)744-3130 | tarrywile.events@snet.net | www.tarrywile.com