Newlywed Quick 10: Alyssa & Nick

Candy Cane Hunt a Success!

Newlywed Quick 10: Alyssa & Nick

Candy Cane Hunt a Success!
Tarrywile Park & Mansion
Newsletter vol. 10

December already?? Where has the time gone? Soon we will be ringing in the New Year, looking back on the accomplishments of 2018 and using the experiences that weren’t as positive as we wished to make 2019 better then ever. Becky and I were discussing what Tarrywile must have been like during the holidays during it’s heyday, even not so long ago when the City of Danbury first bought the property.
That’s when the memories started flowing of when the Mansion was decked out with Christmas trees in every room, wreaths on the doors, lighted garland on the veranda, grounds decorated with bright lights and color,
Memories of Christmas Past
That’s when the memories started flowing of when the Mansion was decked out with Christmas trees in every room, wreaths on the doors, lighted garland on the veranda, grounds decorated with bright lights and color,and an open house where the citizens of Danbury could come and get a brief look into times past that were full of love, life, and happiness. Today we still decorate Tarrywile Mansion on the inside with some hand picked holiday finery. In this day and age people are often less interested in what once was and more focused on the here and now, the next best thing to buy, or the newest technology. I hope this holiday season we all take a moment to look outside ourselves and our small world and actually “see” the world around us, and how blessed we really are.

November was a quiet month, a time to recover from the planning and execution of our Harvest Dinner Fundraiser, a time to catch up on social media, and blog posts, wedding photo’s and stories and to reflect on our fundraising goals for next year. The off season months provides the opportunity to brush up on new marketing trends and adjust our marketing plan accordingly.
I am happy to say that we had a staged photo shoot before the Harvest Dinner when Wedding Wire sent over th 3D 360 degree photographer to film a video walk through of the Mansion and the ground. I think they did a brilliant job, but you can judge for yourself; 360 Degree Virtual Tour.
We did have one celebration for a lovely young lady named Hannah who successfully per Bat Mitzvah. We wish her all the best.

We are looking forward to the holiday party of REI Property management and the December wedding of Jessica and Drew. Details to follow in the January Newsletter.
Tarrywile Mansion is not just about weddings, we are available for all types of events from birthdays to fundraising events, family reunions to employee appreciation days. Give us a call at 203-744-3130, or email; tarrywile.events@snet.net, we’d love to discuss hour Tarrywile Mansion would be perfect for your next event.

It is said it takes a village to raise a child. I also feel it takes a village to raise funds for your favorite Park. This past weekend, we were blessed to have several groups help us with fundraising efforts. We will be updating our fundraising thermometer as soon as all the accounting is done on the events!
On Saturday December 1st, Macaroni Kid Danbury-Bethel-Ridgefield held the 2nd Annual Candy Cane Hunt here at Tarrywile. Many thanks to Meghan Friedland (Publisher/Editor) for all the time and effort that she puts into the event along with all her volunteers. Thanks to event sponsors: Pour Me Coffee & Wine Cafe’, Immanuel Lutheran School, and Allen Phillips Orthodontics.

On a rainy Sunday, December 2nd, we held the 1st Annual Tarrywile Park & Mansion 5K Candy Cane Run. I will readily admit, I know absolutely nothing about what it takes to organize and hold a 5K. With that in mind 7 months ago, I reached out to the cross country and running teams that utilize the Park. Gail Williams and Irving Fox of the Danbury Flyers lead the charge along with Brian Hayes of Immaculate High School Cross Country. They brought in volunteers, they organized awards, the list could go on and on. I cannot thank them enough for everything they did to make this event happen. A big thank you to the gold level sponsors for this event, Danbury FLYERS-Youth Track and Field/XC, Immaculate High School Boys and Girls XC Teams, Economy Printing, Rankin Textile Printing and the McGarrigal Family.
PARK NEWS CONTINUED: Thank you also to Texas Roadhouse, Loree’s Kitchen, Big Y and the Platz and Harner Families for either sponsoring the event or donating prizes. A huge shout out to all the runners who came out in the wet weather to support Tarrywile!
I will also take a moment to give the FLYERS a plug. It is a fantastic group and as their website states: “Now in our 6th year, the Danbury Flyers have developed into Western Connecticut’s largest, year-round program devoted to track and field and cross country running for athletes ages 5 through high school.” In addition to the youth, they now also have an adult aspect of their club that meets over at the Danbury Sports Dome. So check them out!
It definitely takes a village and in this season as I reflect on the year past and the year to come, I am incredibly thankful for the group of people who make Tarrywile the great Park it is.
Until next time remember; leave no trace, respect wildlife, leash your dog, leave what you find, respect fellow park users, always be prepared, stay warm but most importantly enjoy all Tarrywile has to offer.
Happenings in the Park; Just because the weather is getting colder, does not mean that the Park is quiet. From winter hiking, snowshoeing and even cross country skiing, Tarrywile is the perfect location. Dress appropriately and come enjoy the Park.
Fast Fact: Deer judge acorns by taste and prefer the white oak acorns for food in the fall because they have the least amount of tannic acid. Large Rock Oaks have the highest tannic acid content and are only eaten as a last resort.

If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the Park by way of a community service project, a donated service, or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.
Tarrywile Park & Mansion | 70 Southern Blvd., Danbury, CT 06810
(203)744-3130 | tarrywile.events@snet.net | tarrywile.com