Easter Egg Hunt 2019

Wedding Season Begins at Tarrywile

Easter Egg Hunt 2019

Wedding Season Begins at Tarrywile
Tarrywile Park & Mansion
Newsletter vol. 15

What’s New?
“April showers bring May Flowers” is a common saying. Referenced in George Latimer Asperson’s “Dictionary of Proverbs” tracing it back to an 1886 saying; “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers”. It is meant to give encouragement and hope; we have but to endure the rainy days of April to receive the colorful bounty that nature promises each May, a reward for our patience. So, put down your phone, take a walk, unplug your mind, enjoy nature coming to life before your very eyes, you won’t regret it.

The 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt was another resounding success. The Mansion was inundated with 140 kids ranging in age from 6 mos. to 12 yrs. and 80 plus parents. They enjoyed photo’s with the Easter Bunny, Easter themed crafts and a light snack before heading out to find the eggs. This year there were enough tickets sold to require two “hunt sessions”. The final amount donated after expenses were deducted came to $1,083. Thank you again to Meghan Friedland of Macaroni Kid – Danbury – Bethel – Ridgefield for her continued love and support of Tarrywile Park. Read more about the sponsors and partners who helped make this event a success: Easter Egg Hunt 2019.

I received a rental inquiry a couple of days before Easter to see if we had Saturday, April 27, 2019 available for a wedding. It seems that the couple’s wedding plans fell through and they needed a less expensive option in order for their wedding to move forward. We were happy to accommodate the young couple and I’m happy to say the event went smoothly. Ankia & Dane are now enjoying their “Happily Ever After”.
Give us a call at 203-744-3130, or email: tarrywile.events@snet.net, we’d love to discuss how Tarrywile Mansion would be perfect for your wedding day.

Flowers blooming and the trees are leafing out. It is finally May, one of my favorite months of the year. At Tarrywile it means outside work is in full swing. We have two different work days coming up that you can volunteer at.
This weekend, please help Tarrywile as we join in on Clean City Danbury Day. We will be working on Brushy Hill Rd. If you wish to join in, please meet in the upper parking lot above the mansion at 8:00 am on Saturday may 4th. Bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes.
The next volunteer opportunity will be on Saturday, June 1st as we celebrate National Trail Day. Meet us in front of the Red Barn at 9:00 am that day. We will be working on trails, so please wear clothes you can get dirty in!
We continue our fundraising drive. Please donate to help us take care of YOUR Park. We have two months left and must raise $23,000 to meet our fundraising goals. Please, Please, consider donating today. Click on the PayPal link below, mail in a check to Tarrywile or stop in the Park office to donate today. We cannot do it without you!

Until next time remember; leave no trace, respect wildlife, leash your dog, leave what you find, respect fellow park users, always be prepared but most importantly enjoy all Tarrywile has to offer.
Happenings in the Park: Saturday, May 18, Immaculate High School is sponsoring a “She’s the First!” 5k in support of education for young girls. Tinkergarten continues with their preschool classes every Friday from 10:30 am – 11:30 am and YogaCulture will begin their Yoga in the Park summer session in Sunday, May 26 from 10:30 – 11:30 am.

Wildlife Sightings: Our event staff Zach and his friend were enjoying a hike not long ago on a beautiful Saturday afternoon when they came across this large, beautify bird that we later identified as a Ring Necked Pheasant. We love it when park users come across wild life and send us pictures we can all enjoy.
Wildlife Sightings continued: I was recently giving a tour of the Mansion and surrounding grounds to a prospective wedding client, when the MOB draws my attention to some activity on one of the Mansions high chimney’s. Apparently these two turkey vultures decided the chimney was the perfect spot to monitor the activity in their kingdom below. I was a bit surprised when the MOB pointed out that it was the male and female enjoying a dance that should be done in privet! Sometimes not wearing my glasses can be a blessing in disguise.

Tarrywile is Hiring: We are looking for a dependable, detail oriented person, who works well with the public to join our event staff. English speaking preferred. This position is part-time per-Diem. Must be over 18 and be able to work weekday evenings/weekends. Please refer to our website Employment Listing for details and to download an application.

If you belong to an organization which would like to contribute to the park by way of a community service project, a donated service or monetary donation, please contact the office either by phone or email. We truly appreciate all our volunteers and donors, without you all we wouldn’t be the beautiful park you love and enjoy.
Tarrywile Park & Mansion | 70 Southern Blvd, Danbury, CT 06810
phone: 203-744-3130 | email: tarrywile.events@snet.net | website: tarrywile.com